2019-01-27 - Calvert Cliffs

^z 23rd April 2023 at 8:13am

~5.1 mi @ ~26 min/mi

"The Martian?" Roadkill speculates about potential Trail Name themes for Dr Mary as two physicists hike Calvert Cliffs State Park early on a chill Sunday morning. Wikipedia describes cartoon character Marvin the Martian as "... funny ... soft-spoken ... clever and competent ..." — hmmmm, excellent potential there! The park is almost empty, mud frozen and boardwalks frosty-slick along the Red Trail. An abandoned warped wooden wharf curls its lip at a swamp of despair.

"Goodness gracious!" says Mary, as we categorize oaths as blasphemous, obscene, scatological, profane, etc. A receding tide exposes countless shells on the sandy beach; a mammoth container ship idles offshore. Our return trip follows the more strenuous Orange Trail. We analyze geology and art, families and future races, hopes and plans.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-02-23